

A) Journals online (and printed) by EDITADA Publishing Services Provider

Technology has a great importance in the historical process of development of of business  / education / research and creating competitive advantages allowing them to save large amounts of money by sub-contracting technology services through technology service providers.

EDITADA is a provider of editorial services. A Publishing Service Provider are those companies that provide services of infrastructure, administration, obtaining the ISSN, computer security, advertising, technical support to universities and researchers who want to create a journal such as Journal of divulgation, technical journal, college bulletin, annual conference of university, theses publications (with ISBNs) of the  university. And the layout editing, design of covers, correct grammar errors, verify plagiarism, publishing, translation, and others services.

All this through a cost and an agreement for institutional cooperation between EDITADA and university or researchers society.
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B) Co-edited Journals

Please send the Proposal of the new journal, title, editorial board, topics. And later the editorial staft of EDITADA send e-mail and results of the Proposal.

Send the proposal.doc to: accounts at editada . org

C) EDITADA Journals

Please select a journal and send a paper to be reviewer, and the as soon as possible the editor send a notification (in less than a month).

International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics

IJCOPI is an international scientific electronic journal which publishes papers form all areas related to Informatics and the Combinatorial Optimization Problems.

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